Donny Harris servicing our truck by torchlight at Meda Station derby

Don Harris, Meda Station, WA

Don Harris servicing Kent Saddlery’s truck by torchlight at Meda Station, WA. Lyle and Helen are more than grateful to Don, who continues to service our Hino truck each year when we arrive at Meda Station – on condition that Helen agrees not to do a load of washing and cover him in suds!

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Helen with Dan McIntosh

Dan McIntosh, Outback Stations

Dan McIntosh, founder of the popular Facebook page “Station Photo’s” and Helen Kent chatting about Dan’s story and photos in Helen’s “Stories of Australian County People”. Dan’s story is titled “It all started with one like” and refers to Dan’s book “Outback Stations” which features photos and captions from across Australia. Awesome! There are a lot of great photos in Helen’s book “Stories of Australian Country People”.

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Judith McGrath, Spring Creek Station

Jude McGrath, Spring Creek Station, WA

Lyle and Helen first met Jude McGrath in the late 1990’s at Moola Bulla Station near Halls Creek, WA, where Mike Shaw was the manager, and Jude was in the stock camp. She purchased dinner hobbles at that time and during Lyle and Helen’s visit to Spring Creek in 2016, Jude still had her good old hobbles with her.

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Carlton Hill Station - finished work time to shop

Carlton Hill Station, WA

Finished work, so it’s time to shop and have a yarn, with everyone at Carlton Hill Station, WA, checking Kent Saddlery’s travelling shop. Lyle and Helen are always kept busy at the stations they visit. Only 7-8 weeks to go on Lyle and Helen’s trip.

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