Neoprene Saddle Pads
Brad Inglis, head stockman at Mt Sanford Station, NT, has had a Neoprene saddle pad for 12 months, and maintains he couldn’t fault it.
“I’ve used it for everything; for work and for shows.”
Brad bought a new Neoprene pad for campdrafting, but is adamant there’s nothing wrong with the older one. “You can bash them around, and I can’t believe how long they last. The work pad is still going strong after 12 months, and there have been no sore backs. The Neoprene Pads are also great because they don’ attract burr or speargrass. They’e the handiest work pad I’ve ever used. Easy!”
We’ve known Brad for several years, and have met him most years at different stations in the Northern Territory. One of our first meetings was at Auvergne in 2001, on the occasion of his 21st birthday. He’s dedicated to the cattle industry, and his smile reflects a positive attitude to his work, and life in general.
Brad Inglis, head stockman at Mt Sanford Station, NT
Image caption:
1) Brad Inglis, head stockman at Mt Sanford Station, NT