2015 Cattle Station Trip – Week 3

Canobie, Glenore, Iffley, Wondoola, Miranda Downs, Vanrook and Stirling
Third week on the road for Lyle and Helen. They should be running like a well oiled machine now. How long does it take to set up and pack up the Kent Saddlery Mobile Store? Photos to be posted in the coming days of stations visited on the third week of cattle station travel – Canobie, Glenore, Iffley, Wondoola, Miranda Downs, Vanrook and Stirling.
Thursday 09 April 2015
Station complex driveway – Canobie Station, Gulf Country, North Qld
Canobie’s spacious Rec room – Canobie Station, Gulf Country, North Qld
“Canobie Station” sign on highway – Canobie Station, Gulf Country, North Qld
Friday 10 April 2015
Nine bandanas sold at Glenore Station on Friday night, April 10; followed by a request for a Gangster-type photo.
The gang began the photo shoot by pointing their “guns” at the camera.
Then, the ‘Baddie’, “Bell” (the dog) entered Stage right and attention and guns were redirected to her. As if on cue, she rolled over, legs in the air, and BANG, she was ‘dead’!
Glenore Station, Qld
Saturday 11 April 2015
Iffley Station staff looking through previous years’ staff station photos – Iffley Station, Qld
Sunday 12 April 2015
“Wondoola Sign” on the road to Wondoola Station, Qld
Coming to Wondoola Station, Qld
Old implements at Wondoola entrance – Wondoola Station, Qld
Shed and homestead – Wondoola Station, Qld
Wondoola kitchen and dining room – Wondoola Station, Qld
Miranda Downs
Monday 13 April 2015
At Miranda Downs, Tanya Arnold keeps and care for the station’s dairy cows, which provide milk for calves and people alike! Every day Tanya milks the cows, assisted by a milking machine which makes the task much easier. Tanya obviously enjoys the task… and also enjoys using some of the milk to make cheeses.
Miranda Downs sign – Miranda Downs, Qld
Tuesday 14 April 2015
Photo of Helen Kent and Sarah Coombes with “Smokey” puppy and his mum.
While visiting Vanrook Station, Lyle and Helen learned that there was a litter of dachshund puppies nearby, ready to be weaned and needing a home. It didn’t take too much deliberation to make the decision to get one. He farewelled his Mum and joined the Kent Saddlery travelling shop on April 15 and acquired the name of Smokey.
Vanrook Sign – Vanrook Station, Qld
Vanrook Station complex – Vanrook Station, Qld
Wednesday 15 April 2015
Helen Kent opening the gate to Stirling Station, North Qld
Arriving at Stirling Station complex – Stirling Station, North Qld.
Cattle in Stirling yards – Stirling Station, North Qld.