2015 Cattle Station Trip – Week 9

Maryfield, Moroak, Hodgson, Manbulloo, Aroona, Katherine and Tipperary
Week 9 of Lyle and Helen’s trip with the Kent Saddlery Truck. This week Lyle and Helen visited Maryfield Station, Moroak Station, Hodgson Downs, Manbulloo Station, Aroona Station, Katherine (rest day and sorting mail and repacking truck) and Tipperary.
Sunday 17 May 2015
At Maryfield Station, Lyle and Helen were able to catch up with manager, Ian Rush and his wife Francine, a couple who have been involved with cattle station life for most of their working lives.
Lyle and Helen first met them in 1998 and have appreciated and valued their friendship and support during subsequent years. Their story “Drive and Dedication” from the 2013 Kent Saddlery catalogue can be found here.
Maryfield Station on the Stuart Highway, Daly Waters, NT
The kitchen/dining room building – Maryfield Station, Daly Waters, NT
Monday 18 May 2015
The “Moroak Station” sign on the Roper Highway – Roper River Region, NT
Tropical garden environment at Moroak Station, Roper River Region, NT
Station buildings – Moroak Station, Roper River Region, NT
The Kent Saddlery truck shop driving through a river crossing at Moroak Station, Roper River Region, NT
The river that flows close to the Moroak Station complex, Roper River Region, NT
Hodgson Downs
Tuesday 19 May 2015
Station complex buildings – Hodgson Downs Station, Hodgson River, NT
Working cattle in the yards – Hodgson Downs, Hodgson River, NT
Working cattle in the yards – Hodgson Downs, Hodgson River, NT
Wednesday 20 May 2015
Awesome sunset looking out to the West from Station complex – Manbulloo Station, Katherine, NT
Thursday 21 May 2015
Road train at Aroona Station, Katherine, NT
Aroona’s kitchen/dining room and other buildings, Katherine, NT
Each year on their station travels, Lyle and Helen look forward to meeting with Dave Love, Aroona Station’s cook. As well as the delicious evening meal, Dave cooked them a batch of his signature fruit buns for smoko. They left the station well satisfied! See the 2013 Kent Saddlery catalogue story about Dave “…always knew I could bake”.
Saturday 23 May 2015
Main entrance sign – Tipperary Station, Adelaide River, NT
Impressive entrance to the vast and amazing station complex of Tipperary Station, Adelaide River, NT
(google “Tipperary Station” for details of Tipperary’s history – https://www.google.com.au/#q=tipperary+station)
As Lyle and Helen pulled up at the office on arriving at Tipperary Station, they were encouraged to see a sign
informing workers of the Kent Saddlery visit – Tipperary Station, Adelaide River, NT.
Helen and Smokey at Tipperary Station office – Adelaide River, NT
The Kent Saddlery truck shop parked at the immense horse arena at Tipperary Station. The size of the building- AUGH! Adelaide River, NT