Bendethera Ride – Julia Short, Moruya, NSW

Hi Lyle and Helen,
A few of us in the Moruya area of Southern Coastal NSW have been riding in our Kent Saddles fora while and we finally remembered to take a photo for you!!
Jillian Atkinson on Digger, Julia Short on Remmy and Melissa OBrien on Beatle all had our Kent gear on board. Saddles, saddlebags, my Christmas present and drink bottle holders.
The ride into Bendethera takes most of the day from the top of the escarpment west of Braidwood; we then follow old bridle tracks over the edge down the zig zag where the cattle and supplies were brought into the valleys of the Deua River. It’s very wild and rugged terrain with many river crossings and amazing scenery. After three days riding down the river, we came out to settled country and floated the horses back home.
And yes you were right you don’t need cruppers on a Kent saddle, only people who don’t have them need a crupper in our mountains!
Regards from Julia Short
Moruya, NSW