Since 1988 we have produced over 4500 individual saddles in our South East Queensland workshop.

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Handcrafted saddles to suit horse and rider.

Each saddle is made on site at the Kent Saddlery workshop, in Stanthorpe, Southeast Queensland. All our saddle makers have extensive experience working with horses and understand what it takes to make comfortable, hardworking and durable saddles.

Our experienced saddlery team work with skill and precision to construct each component of a Kent Saddle. From the saddle tree to the finished product, we build a comfortable and stylish saddles, handcrafted to your specifications.

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Customising your Kent Saddle

A range of options are available to customise your Kent saddle, and extra features offered to individualise your saddle and make it your own. The leather, the saddle tree, the rigging, and a range of “extras” can be chosen to create a Kent Saddle tailored to suit you and your horse. It’s your saddle, it’s your choice.

Fitting your Kent Saddle

We believe that choosing the correct size for a personal saddle is paramount, so we need as much information as possible.
Our Saddlers will take you through the process of collecting all measurements needed.

It's as good now after 15 years of riding as the day it arrived. I can't see us ever needing another saddle.

— Shelly McRae, NSW   Station Special Saddle
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Chat with our Saddlers

Buying a saddle can be confusing with hundreds of saddles on the market all varying in quality and price. If you have any questions or would like to discuss saddle options and your requirements in more detail feel free get in touch. We have had many years of experience working with horses and making saddles and offer our experience and advice with the understanding that you are not under any obligation.