Melissa Castle – Victoria River Downs Station, N.T – Desert Cream
“Definitely a good cream”
n June of 2013, Melissa Castle was based at Victoria River Downs Station, N.T. In the dual roles of support person for husband Josh, Assistant Manager of the station and that of mother of their two beautiful daughters, Emily, aged three, and Sarah, just five weeks old, she leads a busy life.
Melissa and her sister had read the endorsement for Desert Cream in the 2012 Kent Saddlery Catalogue and ordered some online. Melissa is very satisfied that “it works quickly and effectively.”
For any skin type that’s exposed to the wind, sun and extreme temperatures of various parts of Australia and for busy people needing a down-to-earth, useful hand cream, Melissa confirms that “Desert Cream is definitely a good cream.”
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1) Melissa and Emily Castle, and friends. Baby Sarah was asleep and definitely not to be disturbed.