Lochee Forshaw, Nita Downs, WA

Lochee Forshaw has grown and grown-up quite a lot since Lyle and Helen first visited Nita Downs Station. His parents were cautiously willing for him to purchase a knife roll and a butcher’s knife and he PROMISED he’d be responsible and careful when it was time to use it. Every picture tells a story – Lochee was looking very happy about his purchase…

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Donny Harris servicing our truck by torchlight at Meda Station derby

Don Harris, Meda Station, WA

Don Harris servicing Kent Saddlery’s truck by torchlight at Meda Station, WA. Lyle and Helen are more than grateful to Don, who continues to service our Hino truck each year when we arrive at Meda Station – on condition that Helen agrees not to do a load of washing and cover him in suds!

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