‘Stories of Australian Country People’ being enjoyed from across the globe in Canada!

It is satisfying to hear when people overseas are interested in learning more about life on the land in Australia. One Canadian family in particular who have always had a strong interest in station life in Australia after having employed many Australians over the years, are the Palmers. They own two sizeable cattle ranches both in Saskatchewan and in Alberta. The photos below are taken on their ranch in Alberta. Those who have travelled to Canada may recognise the iconic and captivating Rocky mountains in the background. Just recently they finished their annual branding which attracts up to 20 people coming along to help and cook! They need many hands on deck as they still use the traditional skilled method of roping the calves with horses. Therefore there is no need for pens, race or calf cradels!
Helen’s book “Stories of Australian Country People” did the rounds amongst everyone and many enjoyed getting an insight into Australians’ lives on stations, as well as being able to visualise how things are by seeing the numerous scenic photos in the book.
Julia said, “We love our copy of Kent Saddlery’s Stories of Australian Country People! It’s always fun to read about ranching in other parts of the world and this book combines the stories with beautiful photos of both the people and the land. It captures both hardships and joys of working and living on the land.”
Kent Saddlery’s Marketing Consultant Sally Courtney did a rural exchange with the Palmer family back in 2002 and has kept in contact with the family since then.
Feature Image: Julia Palmer, Palmer Ranch, three hours south of Calgary.
Images: Kent Saddlery Marketing Consultant Sally Courtney (2002) on the Palmer ranch branding calves. Branding calves traditional style using up to five horseman at one time each roping calves, plus having ten people holding the calves to undertake branding and treatment.